Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The Wicked Garden

There is a woman who is voiceless from wailing and wasted from weeping and Death visits her from Faraway at Midnight. Death finds her in her Garden, her long dead garden tending to weeds and thorns and sticker bushes and poisonous plants and as she harvests and picks and adds each deadly plant to her basket woven from human hair.

Death shudders and hides in the Shadows and is grateful the Woman can’t see him. All the same she knows Death is there and when she senses it, she reaches into her basket and lifts one of the plants to her lips and pushes it into her mouth. She chews and swallows and screeches into the darkness, “ Where are you? Why aren't these working… someone tell me why this isn’t working!"

by Anita Marie Moscoso

Plant a Wicked Garden Here

Insert images of wicked plants

List Twenty Wicked Words

Make some notes about a plant.

Sketch the voiceless woman and the midnight garden

Someone replies and explains why the plants are not working. Record their words

Continue the story